



Department of International Cooperation and Exchange

Serving as a functional department for our college to develop international cooperation and exchanges with other partners, Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of Harbin Vocational & Technical College is an office for dealing with foreign affairs and carrying out international cooperation & exchanges and cooperative college-running programs. Our college has initiated cooperative college-running programs with Daegu Technical University, Gyeonggi College of Science and Technology and Konyang University in Republic ofKorea since 2011. We have developed backbone teachers’ trainings and administrative cadres’ trainings with Singapore Nanyang Polytechnic, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and Taiwan Chienkuo Technology University. We also developed exchanges between students across Straits in terms ofsendingstudents and excellent teachers to Taiwan Chienkuo Technology University, Tungnan University and Hsiuping University of Science and Technology for short-term study and trainings. The International Cooperation and Exchangeworks have beentransformed from single mode in terms of exchanges and visits between colleges to multi-modes and various channels such as international cooperative college-running, short-term study for the teachers aboard or outside mainland, joint establishment of labs and specialties, students’ short-term study aboard or across Straits, lecturing outside campus and “Winter Camp” Program for students from aboard or across Straits.